The course “Introduction to the digitization of the construction and investment process in Bulgaria – level 2” will be held from September 18 to 20

From September 18 to 20, the course “Introduction to the digitalization of the construction and investment process in Bulgaria – level 2” will be held in the training hall of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) in the construction sector. Thus, after the successful completion at the beginning of August of the first level of the introduction to digitalization, the participants in EDIH trainings have the opportunity to upgrade their preparation for the digital transition in the construction-investment process.
The second level of introductory training includes the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills related to digital technologies and processes applied in architecture and construction. The course is intended for architects, construction engineers, experts from design firms, technical persons from municipalities and technical persons from construction and supervision companies. The minimum requirements for participants are general computer literacy and a completed secondary education.
Lecturers in EDIH introductory trainings are university professors and proven specialists in the professional field of architecture and construction from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgarian Association for Project Management in Construction, Bulgarian Chamber of Architects, Bulgarian Construction Chamber, ESRI Bulgaria and Geostroy.
The training within the framework of “Introduction to the digitization of the construction and investment process in Bulgaria – level 2” is divided into 6 modules that cover different aspects of the digital transition. These modules are as follows: “Automation and Robotics in Construction”, “Internet of Things and Buildings with Smart Infrastructure”, “Virtual and Augmented Reality in Architecture”, “Project Management and Communication in the Digital Age” , “Sustainability, Eco-Design and Circular Economy”, and “Future Perspectives and Innovations in Digital Construction”.
In total, there are 4 introductory trainings in the EDIH program. They lay the foundation for digital transformation in the construction business. During the lectures and seminars, the participants acquire knowledge and skills about the basic principles of working with digital information according to accepted international and national standards. They are introduced to the basic principles of the next level in the process of digitization of the industry, namely – building information modeling, better known as BIM, and its interaction and simultaneous application with geographic information systems (GIS). In addition, introductory trainings provide basic knowledge about automation and robotics in modern construction. информационни системи (GIS). Освен това въвеждащите обучения дават базови знания за автоматизацията и роботизацията в съвременното строителство.
You can register for training “Introduction to the digitization of the construction and investment process in Bulgaria – level 2” here .