Funding is needed for the measures set out in the National Digitalisation Strategy

The state should provide funding for the measures for digitalization of the construction sector, included in the National Digitalization Strategy and the roadmap for its implementation, said the head of the European Digital Innovation Hub in the construction sector, Maria Nakova, at the conference “Challenges and opportunities in the construction sector – the role of innovation, new technologies and skills”, organized by the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) and newspaper “Stroitel”. The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board of the BCC Eng. Ilian Terziev, Commissioner Maria Gabriel, who is responsible for innovation, research, culture, education and youth in the European Commission, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Arch. Ivan Shishkov, Mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova, Honorary President of the BCC Eng. Svetoslav Glosov, representatives of the executive and local authorities, the scientific community and the CBB.
All the officials and Commissioner Maria Gabriel stressed the importance of the EDIH as the main pillar on which all digitisation in construction will be based. EDIH has brought together the experience, knowledge and skills of 11 partners – the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the Institute of Mechanics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Higher School of Civil Engineering “Lyuben Karavelov”, as well as leading companies in the field of innovation, construction, project management, construction materials production and information technology in the face of “Cleantech Bulgaria” Ltd, “Geostroy” AD, “Planex” Ltd, “Bulgarian Association for Project Management in Construction”, “Baumit Bulgaria” and “Esri Bulgaria”. EDIH has the capacity and skills to be at the heart of the digitalization of the construction sector in Bulgaria, Maria Nakova emphasized. She also noted the four main objectives of the work of EDIH in the construction sector – to enable companies to test innovations and new products before deciding whether to invest in their purchase, training and capacity building to work with new technologies, providing access to finance and helping to establish links and work together with partner organisations, recalling that Bulgarian companies will have access to the network of 150 EDIHs in Europe.
The construction sector is also in the focus of the European Commission and is one of the most important for the European economy, it became clear from Commissioner Gabriel’s words. “Innovation needs flexibility and spaces to develop. Our ambition is to have 100 regional innovation valleys in the EU. To be such an innovation valley, there needs to be cooperation between a highly and a less developed area,” said Maria Gabriel, explaining that the budget for this is €10 billion. She pointed out that the Bulgarian construction sector can also look for partners to create an innovation valley in Europe, and there is already a working platform for finding such partners.

“Digital transformation is the next challenge for the industry. Yesterday it became clear that the government has adopted a National Strategy and Roadmap for Digital Transformation of the Construction Sector by 2030.” commented the Chairman of the Board of BCC eng. Terziev. “We understand that the digital and green transition are the future and as a Chamber we want to be as helpful as possible and support companies to be able to cope with what lies ahead. We have made the first serious step in this respect with the establishment of the EDIH, whose initiator, founder and coordinator is the BCC, but its partners are not many, including from academia and business,” added Eng. Terziev.

Regional Minister Arch. Ivan Shishkov pointed out that the digitalization of municipalities – Detailed Development Plan, General Urban Development Plan, cadasters, as well as the approval of documents in electronic form has begun.

More photos from the conference in GALLERY.