Bulgaria Is Already Working for a Digital Revolution in Construction

Science and business create a European digital innovation hub in the construction sector to drive the digital transformation of the construction sector
The digitisation of the construction and investment process is impossible without the combined efforts of industry, science, government and European institutions. This is undoubtedly one of the steps towards achieving the big goal of a safer, more affordable, cleaner and more beautiful urban environment. Bulgaria already has a structure in place to lead the digital transformation process – the European Digital Innovation Hub for the Construction Sector. The head of the ECIH in the construction sector, Ms Maria Nakova, presented its objectives at the International Forum on Green Transition, Innovation and the Future – Green Transition 2023. The conference was held in Sofia and brought together the visions of 184 panelists from Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Poland, Croatia, France, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, UK and Canada. The presentation of ECIC in the construction sector was part of the discussions in the panel on “Green Innovation in the Construction Sector and the New European Bauhaus”, which also included Ms Iskra Mihailova – Vice-Chair of the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament, Prof. Dr. Arch. Yordanka Kandulkova – Lecturer at UACG, Kiril Raichev – Chairman of the Alliance for Energy Efficiency, Arch. Aneta Vassileva, Ms. Adriyana Sabeva and Ms. Ani Kojabasheva from The Collective Foundation.

The discussion between the panelists was moderated by Arch. Hristo Stankushev

Bulgaria has already started on the path of digitalization in construction. The goal is long-term and the first step is the introduction of new technologies and training for their application in small and medium-sized enterprises, explained Ms. Nakova. The initiator and coordinator for the establishment of the ECIC in the construction sector is the Bulgarian Chamber of Builders, and its implementation is in partnership with the Bulgarian Chamber of Architects, the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the Institute of Mechanics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and the Lyuben Karavelov University of Civil Engineering, Leading companies in the field of innovation, construction, project management, construction materials and information technology in the face of “Klinetech Bulgaria” Ltd, “Geostroy” AD, “Planex” Ltd, “Bulgarian Association of Project Management in Construction”, “Baumit Bulgaria” and “Esri Bulgaria”.

“The partners in this ambitious project have pooled their experience, knowledge and efforts to support the digitalisation of one of the key sectors in the economy, which employs over 200,000 people in Bulgaria alone. Innovation must lead to successful, efficient and useful solutions,” said Ms Maria Nakova.

ECCIC’s activities in the construction sector will mainly focus on training and capacity building in the public and private sectors. It will provide access to specialised research infrastructure and expertise to test innovative products and services to make them faster and more effective.