In front of hundreds of participants, the head of the European Digital Innovation Hub in the Construction Sector (EDIH in the Construction Sector), Maria Nakova, presented its activities during the conference on the occasion of World Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day. The largest GIS forum in Bulgaria brings together leading professionals and provides an opportunity for business, state administration, non-governmental organizations and the academic community to meet to exchange experiences and share their ideas for the development of GIS technologies in our country. Every year, Esri Bulgaria – a partner and co-founder of EDIH in the Construction Sector, organizes a conference to mark World GIS Day. The courses for working with GIS technologies are part of the specialized training and services that EDIH provides for the digital transformation in construction.
Pre-investment testing is one of the four main types of services that EDIH offers to small and medium-sized enterprises in the industry. Essentially, it provides access to specialized research infrastructure and expert potential for testing innovative products and services with the aim of faster market implementation in the construction industry.
The other services that companies in the sector can use through the work of EDIH are training and capacity building, access to funding under international and national programs and initiatives for pilot testing of digital technologies and the implementation of innovative projects, partnerships and networking.
This year, EDIH launched an ambitious program with over 40 training courses in various areas of the construction business. To register for them, construction companies must fill out a “Questionnaire for initial expression of interest in using services provided by the EDIH Association in the construction sector“. The questionnaire is also available in the “Services” section of the association’s website.