The Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria

The Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria (CAB) is an independent professional organisation of architects, landscape architects and urban planners with design qualifications in planning and investment design.
It was established by the Law on Chambers of Architects and Engineers in Investment Design in 2003 as the successor, continuation and legal successor to the Chamber of Engineering and Architects, established in 1937. CAB is based in Sofia, Bulgaria,
but carries out its activities throughout the country through regional colleges in each district city.
The Chamber protects, at national and international level, the professional interests of its members with more than 4500 authorised architects, landscape architects and urban areas in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, in accordance with the public interest.
CAB performs functions delegated by the State in respect of:
- maintaining and updating registers of persons with full design competence, persons with limited design competence and design offices;
- issue of design competency certificates;
- recognition of professional qualifications as architects obtained in other Member States of the European Union and in third countries for the purpose of access to and pursuit of the regulated profession in the Republic of Bulgaria.
The Chamber regulates the principles of professional activity in architectural design under conditions of strict professional ethics. The CAB focuses on maintaining a high level of expertise and competence of architects, landscape architects and urban areas, such as professions of public importance and essential to human life and health.
To this end, the Chamber shall:
- monitor the performance of the professional duties of its members and impose disciplinary sanctions;
- creates conditions for free and fair competition between its members;
- contribute to the protection of the copyright of members;
- draw up proposals for changes to regulations concerning the exercise of the profession;
- issue opinions on regulations relating to planning, investment design and construction;
- cooperate with similar chambers (professional organisations) at European and international level;
- cooperate with higher education institutions to prepare architects, landscape architects, urban areas;
- establish rules for the work and traineeship of designers;
- organises and conducts continuous training to maintain and enhance professional qualifications and competences.