Institute of Mechanics
Institute of Mechanics (IMech) is a multidisciplinary institute. Over 70 scientists with different basic university education: mathematicians, physicists, chemical engineers, mechanical, civil, electrical and IT engineers team with interdisciplinary skills work in the institute. The interdisciplinary allows of the research teams from IMech to solve complex scientific and applied scientific tasks.
The mission of the Institute of Mechanics is carrying out fundamental and applied research in six main research directions in the field of mechanics, mechatronics, fluid mechanics, mechanics Solid, biomechanics, physical and chemical mechanics and mathematical modeling and numerical simulation in mechanics, and solving complex problems coming from industry and society. IMech participates in the preparation of students and high qualified specialists, expertise and innovations and application of research results in the practice. The Institute of Mechanics has been accredited with high marks from the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency for doctoral studies in nine majors in mechanics.
The Institute is developing methods, algorithms and computer programs for solving a wide class of problems of mechanics and physics.
IMech has two specialized clusters for high-performance scientific computing.