Inaugural Meeting of European Digital Innovation Hub Partners in the Construction Sector

On 02.11.2022, the kick-off meeting for the launch of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) project in the construction sector, co-funded by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Commission, was held. The meeting was attended by representatives of all partners.

The Chairman of the Board of the Association Mr. Nikolov opened the meeting, which was attended by representatives of all founders. He focused on the huge success – the approval of a project proposal under the Digital Europe 2021-2027 Programme. The sectoral character of the hub covering the whole country was emphasized, which is one of the main advantages of EDIH. The structure and the main work packages that are included in the project and the coordinators for each of them were discussed in detail. The activities foreseen are focused in 5 areas:
  • Project management and coordination;
  • Methodologies and assessments for digital capacity and digital maturity
  • EDIH Services – Technology, Data, Skills;
  • Market maturity and investment readiness;
  • Communication, Dissemination and Ecosystem Development
The main activities were identified and follow-up workshops set for the short term until the end of the current calendar year. The preparation of internal rules and procedures for project control and management, the definition of a framework for digital maturity assessment, the preparation of a summarised training programme and a package of services for SMEs, etc. are still to be finalised. An initial structure of the experts needed to carry out the future work of the EDIH was adopted. The meeting marked the launch of the first of its kind hub for Bulgaria and in the area of one of the least digitized sectors. In 2023, the EDIH in the Construction Sector will launch its main activities aimed at supporting SMEs, public institutions and society to realize the digital transformation in the sector, providing access to digital solutions, incl. BIM and GIS systems, experimental facilities, new technologies and best practices in the field of digital twins, the use of artificial intelligence, etc.