Ultrasonic method – level 2

Target group
The course is aimed at:
- training of technicians from municipalities, technicians from construction and supervision companies performing testing of building elements and structures.
The target group of end users by organization type are:
- SMEs;
- Small Mid-Caps;
- Public sector organizations for their non-economic activities.
Course topic: Ultrasonic control;
- Improving the qualifications of specialists for testing and subsequent control of composite materials made of concrete matrix in the construction sector.
- Specialists who have successfully completed the relevant level of the course can be certified in Bulgaria according to the international standard for ultrasonic testing in the field of construction for level 1 or level 2;
Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training
- Minimum educational level – secondary technical education
- Professional experience in applying methods for non-destructive testing of construction sites and their elements – 6 months.
40 hours
Form of training
Lectures, practical demonstrations and testing by the students under the guidance of the lecturer