Parametric modeling with DYNAMO + AUTODESK REVIT (for architect-designers)

Parametric modeling with DYNAMO + AUTODESK REVIT (for architect-designers)

Target group

The course is intended for architect-designers, leading designers, project managers.

Experts can be from the following types of organizations:

  • SMEs;
  • Small Mid-Caps;
  • Public sector organizations for their non-economic activities


The course introduces parametric modeling in the context of Dynamo and Autodesk Revit software products. Both parametric modeling and process automation in a Revit environment, such as document generation and more, are covered.

Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training

Minimum educational level – Master’s degree in Architecture or Investment design engineering.
Professional experience using Revit – 2 years or BIM with AUTODESK REVIT – LEVEL 1orBIM with AUTODESK REVIT – LEVEL 2 successfully completed.

24 hours

The course can be conducted over 6 days for 4 hours, 3 days a week.
The course can be held on-site in the EDIH training hall

Module 1: Introduction to automation and parametric modeling

Module 2: Autodesk Revit basics

Module 3: Introduction to Dynamo

Module 4: Dynamo and Revit Integration

Module 5: Automation of architectural tasks

Module 6: Parametric methods and tools in design

Module 7: Practical exercises and workshops


Module 8: Review and discussion of results

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