Mathematical and numerical modeling of the behavior of building structures. Numerical simulations. /Introduction to FEM. Introduction to ANSYS APDL and ANSYS Workbench/

Mathematical and numerical modeling of the behavior of building structures. Numerical simulations. /Introduction to FEM. Introduction to ANSYS APDL and ANSYS Workbench/

Target group

The course is aimed at:
– Preparation of civil engineers, designers from construction and supervision companies, performing testing of building elements and structures.

The target group of end users by organization type are:

  • SMEs;
  • Small Mid-Caps;


Mathematical and numerical modeling of building structures. Numerical simulations with ANSYS.

Improving the qualifications of civil engineers and designers.

The course is divided into three levels: for beginners and two for advanced.

Course area: computer modeling and numerical simulations of the behavior of building structures with the ANSYS software system.

Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training

Minimum educational level – higher education in the field of construction or architecture.
Computer literacy.

Level 1 – 40 hours
Level 2 – 40 hours
Level 3 – 40 hours

Attendance: Lectures, exercises, practical tasks and independent solving of specific problems by the students under the guidance of the lecturer.

Introduction to mathematical modeling and the finite element method

General information about ANSYS – APDL and ANSYS Workbench

Geometric modeling and generation of finite element meshes. Types of finite elements. Initial and boundary conditions. Loads. Temperature loads

Modeling and conducting static research of one-dimensional, two-dimensional spatial structures (trusses, frames, girders, Timoshenko beams, bridges and buildings)

Investigation of structures under dynamic impacts and earthquakes

More complex problems: geometric and physical nonlinearity, contact problems

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