Mathematical and numerical modeling of the behavior of building structures. Numerical simulations. /Dynamic and nonlinear problems with ANSYS

Mathematical and numerical modeling of the behavior of building structures. Numerical simulations. /Dynamic and nonlinear problems with ANSYS

Target group

The course is aimed at:
– Preparation of civil engineers, designers from construction and supervision companies, performing testing of building elements and structures.

The target group of end users by organization type are:

  • SMEs;
  • Small Mid-Caps;


Mathematical and numerical modeling of building structures. Numerical simulations with ANSYS.

Improving the qualifications of civil engineers and designers.

The course is divided into three levels: for beginners and two for advanced.

Course area: computer modeling and numerical simulations of the behavior of building structures with the ANSYS software system.

Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training

Minimum educational level – higher education in the field of construction or architecture.
Computer literacy.

Level 1 – 40 hours
Level 2 – 40 hours
Level 3 – 40 hours

The training is conducted in person in the form of lectures, exercises, practical tasks and independent solving of specific problems by the students under the guidance of the lecturer.

Introduction to mathematical modeling and the finite element method

General information about ANSYS – APDL and ANSYS Workbench

Geometric modeling and generation of finite element meshes. Types of finite elements. Initial and boundary conditions. Loads. Temperature loads

Modeling and conducting static research of one-dimensional, two-dimensional spatial structures (trusses, frames, girders, Timoshenko beams, bridges and buildings)

Investigation of structures under dynamic impacts and earthquakes

More complex problems: geometric and physical nonlinearity, contact problems

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