Mathematical and numerical modeling of the behavior of building structures. Numerical simulations. /Calculation of stressed and deformed state of structures with SAP /

Target group
The course is aimed at:
– Preparation of civil engineers, designers from construction and supervision companies, performing testing of building elements and structures.
The target group of end users by organization type are:
- SMEs;
- Small Mid-Caps;
Course topic: Structural analysis with SAP2000;
Improving the qualifications of construction specialists to acquire skills in using the capabilities of specialized software. The course is suitable for: civil engineers and leading designers. The training course is intended for professionals in the field of construction and structural design and preliminary modeling. In view of the modern level of development of processes, such training is extremely necessary.
Course area: general and specialized technical training.
The course is divided into 3 modules.
Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training
Minimum educational level – higher technical education
Professional experience in applying computer methods for using specialized software.
Level 1 – 40 hours
Level 2 – 40 hours
Level 3 – 40 hours
Form of training
The training is conducted in person at EDIH or online.