Management and coordination in the design phase, 3D BIM

Management and coordination in the design phase, 3D BIM

Тarget group

The course is aimed at experts who are involved in construction and investment design, project management, consulting and supervisory activities or administration.

Experts can be from types of organizations:

  • Small and medium enterprises
  • Small mid-cap companies
  • Public sector organizations for their non-economic activities.


Created as interrelated and complementary documents, the standards describe relevant terms and definitions, concepts, processes, prerequisites, including roles and responsibilities, representing good practice in project, program and portfolio management. The standards provide comprehensive guidance on the principles and practices of project management that are important and affect the delivery of projects. The standards provide an in-depth description of the concepts and processes that underlie the creation of good practices in project management. Management and coordination in the design phase, 3D BIM is subject to project management processes and project management knowledge areas. The course examines all these productions in detail.

Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training

Higher education in the field of construction and investment design

25 hours

The course takes place online over 4 days of 6 hours

The course is an overview of basic concepts, activities and good practices in working with information technology and digital tools of a general professional nature. The course consists of specialized modules:

Module 1. Standards for the management of projects, programs and foils in construction - general statements

Module 2. PMI's Guide - PMBOK® Standard

Module 3: ISO standard

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