Digital tools for real-time rendering, virtual, augmented and mixed reality in the process of architectural design

Digital tools for real-time rendering, virtual, augmented and mixed reality in the process of architectural design

Target group

The course is intended for SMEs – architects, engineers, designers. Part of the training is applicable for technical persons from construction companies, as methods for visualizing project documentation on site.


Topic: Possibilities and application of digital tools for Real-time rendering, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Mixed reality in the process of architectural design.

Course description: The course aims to familiarize participants with the possibilities and application of digital tools for Real-time rendering, virtual and augmented reality (VR), mixed reality (MR) in the process of architectural design and in the process of author supervision of the object . Participants will learn how to integrate these technologies in the design process, when contacting customers and when checking the performance of the object (construction).

Competencies: Participants will acquire knowledge and skills in handling modern software for Real-time rendering, virtual environment for presentations, augmented reality and others that are inextricably linked and complementary to BIM models, with the help of these software they will be able to increase the quality of the project, will achieve faster design speed, better presentation to the client and better coordination between the different project parts, as well as opportunities to verify the execution at the construction site using augmented reality applications.

Integrating interaction: The theme covers both all design parts and the visualization of their solutions at the design level, as well as various phases and processes of the general negotiation-design-implementation process, helping to quickly and realistically visualize a set of building elements – both design and and already fulfilled.

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