CAD – systems in construction

CAD – systems in construction

Target group

The course is aimed at:

Engineers and technical managers from construction companies
The target group of end users by organization type are: all interested


The training will lead to an increase in the qualifications of construction specialists to acquire skills in using the capabilities of engineers and technical managers from construction companies to prepare drawings in a software product environment.

In view of the current level of process development, this type of training is extremely necessary.

Course area: general technical training.

Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training

Minimum educational level – secondary technical education
Professional experience in applying computer methods using specialized software

30 hours

The training takes place in the ECIDH training room or online.

The course is a whole module.

AutoCAD program interface


- Sketching and modifying geometry; - Coordinate system and scales; - Text styles and dimensioning styles; - Blocks, hatches and regions.

Model and drawing space. Drawing formats. Drawing design and preparation for plotting.

Practical tasks

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