BIM with RHINO + VISUAL ARQ (MCNEEL) (for architect-designers)

BIM with RHINO + VISUAL ARQ (MCNEEL) (for architect-designers)

Target group

The course is intended for architect-designers, leading designers.

Experts can be from the following types of organizations:

  • Small and medium enterprises
  • Small mid-cap companies
  • Public sector organizations for their non-economic activities


The course provides best practices in the integrated BIM process in Rhino and collaboration with other platforms.

Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training

Minimum educational level – higher education in Architecture.

Professional experience using Rhino is not required.

60 hours

The course can be conducted over 14 days for 4 hours plus 4 hours for the exam.

Обучението се провежда присътвено в Учебният център на ЕЦИХ.

Module 1: Installation and introduction to Rhinoceros, VisualArq and Grasshooper - essence, classifications, application;

Module 2: Modeling with Rhinoceros - practice with two-dimensional geometric primitives;

Module 3: Modeling with Rhinoceros - practice with three-dimensional geometric primitives;

Module 4: Modeling with VisualArq - practice with BIM primitive objects;

Module 5: Generation of documentation with VisualArq and organization of the BIM model;

Module 6: Reconciliation of BIM models between project specialties;

Module 7: Fundamentals of Parametric Modeling with Grasshopper;

Module 8: Parametric BIM Modeling with Grasshopper.

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