Advanced BIM data systems. Types of classifiers (the database) in BIM modeling. Using a common classifier when upgrading the model from 3D BIM level to 4D and 5D BIM level.

Advanced BIM data systems. Types of classifiers (the database) in BIM modeling. Using a common classifier when upgrading the model from 3D BIM level to 4D and 5D BIM level.

Target group

The course is aimed at employees of SMEs who are involved in project management, consulting and supervisory activities or administrators – architects and engineers from design firms, technical persons from municipalities, technical persons from construction and supervisory companies.

Experts can be from types of organizations:

  • Small and medium enterprises
  • Small mid-cap companies
  • Public sector organizations for their non-economic activities.


The specialized course offers knowledge and skills for applying the standards for advanced BIM data systems, for types of classifiers (the database) in BIM Modeling and resource management (planning, procurement, input, accounting), as well as knowledge and skills for using general classifier when upgrading the model from 3D BIM level to 4D and 5D BIM level.

Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training

Professional education/Higher education and experience in construction project management

16 hours


Demonstrations of digital applications

Exercises with digital applications

1. Structure of work packages, nodes, operations and resources in construction projects

2. Types of classifiers for construction works

3. Types of classifiers for construction resources

4. Application of classifiers in BIM tools

5. Management of correspondence between resources in different databases in construction projects

6. Structured data and data templates

7. Big Data analytics based on resources

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