8D BIM. Ensuring safety and health at the construction sites through 3D models and risk modeling
Target group
The course is intended for experts who are involved in construction and investment design, project management, consulting and supervisory activities or administration.
Experts can be from the following types of organizations:
- Small and medium enterprises
- Small mid-cap companies
- Public sector organizations for their non-economic activities
The 8D dimension of BIM is related to safety during the design and construction process. This dimension aims to prevent accidents and incidents by incorporating safety elements into the building project from the design phase. 8D BIM enables designers to perform an in-depth risk assessment of each design component of the building/facility they are designing. In this way, potential hazards can be identified and remedied before the beginning of the construction, resulting in a safer work environment for construction workers. The training course presents these processes.
The course is an overview of basic concepts, activities and good practices in implementing IT and digital tools of a general professional nature.
Minimum educational requirements for participation in the training
Higher education in the field of construction and investment design
16 hours
Form of training