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Постер на събитие за обучение, оказващ датата, часът и мястото на събитието.

EDIH presents opportunities for businesses and public organizations in the construction industry on January 21 in Varna

The European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) in the construction sector, the Bulgarian Construction Chamber and Planex EOOD, one of the partners in the hub, are organizing a forum “Opportunities for Business and Public Organizations” at the beginning of the new year. The EDIH team will present the goals and opportunities that the hub offers for the digitalization and innovative modernization of the construction industry – one of the key sectors for the Bulgarian economy, providing employment for more than 230,000 Bulgarians. According to data from the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC), its contribution to the country’s total GDP is about 12 percent.

The forum will be held in Varna on January 21, 2025 and starts at 2:30 p.m. at the Roslin Dimyat Hotel.
The hub unites the efforts, expert capacity and potential of the industry organizations – KSB and the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, of universities and scientific institutions in the field of construction – the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), VFU “Lyuben Karavelov”, the Institute of Mechanics – BAS and leading organizations and companies from the private sector, specialized in construction, project management, technologies and innovations such as Cleantech Bulgaria OOD, Geostroy AD, Planex EOOD, Bulgarian Association for Construction project management(BACPM), Baumit EOOD and Esri Bulgaria OOD. EDIH in the construction sector is part of the large family of European Digital Innovation Centers, whose main goal is to accelerate the digital transformation of the European economy.
The main goals of EDIH are to increase the competitiveness of the construction industry, education and qualification of workers in the construction sector, digitalization and innovation for more efficient construction processes, circular economy and resource efficiency, and networking and strategic partnerships.
The hub acts as a one-stop shop for small and medium-sized enterprises from industry and public organizations on their journey to digitalization. EDIH experts and partners guide them in the process of assessing their progress in digitalization by providing them with the most appropriate services according to their specific needs and business challenges. The services that the hub provides are:
  • Pre-investment testing. This type of service provides access to specialized research infrastructure and expertise for testing innovative products and services with the aim of faster market implementation.
  • Training and capacity building. This service of ours includes organizing and conducting specialized training and seminars aimed at building capacity in the public and private sectors on topics related to the introduction of digital technologies in construction processes.
  • Access to funding. Our experts and consultants provide access to funding through international and national programs and initiatives for pilot testing of digital technologies and the implementation of innovative projects.
  • Partnerships and networking. We facilitate access to partner organizations and stimulate networking.
To participate in the forum “Opportunities for Business and Public Organizations” you can register HERE.
Постер на събитие за обучение, оказващ датата, часът и мястото на събитието. На заден фон изобразяващ векторно изборажение на небостъргачи.
бяло лого на ЕЦИХ

EDIH’s course on the circular economy in construction starts on February 24

On February 24 and 25, 2025, in the training rooms of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) in the construction sector, the course on the circular economy in the construction industry will be held. Its main goal is to familiarize participants with the principles of the circular economy, as well as to provide knowledge and skills for the application of circular principles in construction. The course combines theoretical and practical modules aimed at presenting the concepts of circularity in the life cycle of buildings, the use of new technologies in construction to improve resource efficiency and the related financial, environmental and social benefits. Successful solutions from the practice of the circular economy in Europe and around the world will also be presented.
Participants are required to have a higher education in the field of construction and investment design. The course itself is aimed at experts involved in construction and investment design, project management, consulting and supervision activities or administration, including architects and engineers.
The training is divided into 4 modules. The first is an introduction to the circular economy in the context of the construction industry. The second module examines circularity in the life cycle of buildings. New technologies and roles in construction are the topic of the third module, while the fourth presents circular buildings, circular economy indicators in construction and specific cases from practice.
You can register for the EDIH training on the topic “Circular Economy in the Construction Sector” HERE.
бяло лого на ЕЦИХ

Due to the big interest, EDIH is organizing a new course on the use of drones in construction

Due to the great interest from architects, civil engineers and designers, one of the most attractive training courses of the Association “European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) in Construction”, which is related to the use of drones in the construction industry, will be held again. The 3-day training “Photography, Survey and Surveillance with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” is scheduled to start on February 12, 2025.
жена презентира

EDIH in the construction sector presented its activities within the framework of World Geographic Information Systems Day

In front of hundreds of participants, the head of the European Digital Innovation Hub in the Construction Sector (EDIH in the Construction Sector), Maria Nakova, presented its activities during the conference on the occasion of World Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day. The largest GIS forum in Bulgaria brings together leading professionals and provides an opportunity for business, state administration, non-governmental organizations and the academic community to meet to exchange experiences and share their ideas for the development of GIS technologies in our country. Every year, Esri Bulgaria – a partner and co-founder of EDIH in the Construction Sector, organizes a conference to mark World GIS Day. The courses for working with GIS technologies are part of the specialized training and services that EDIH provides for the digital transformation in construction.
бяло лого на ЕЦИХ

EDIH expands its activities throughout Bulgaria: The first training outside Sofia is in Dimitrovgrad

The European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) in the construction sector is expanding its activities throughout Bulgaria and will now conduct training courses not only at its headquarters in Sofia. The first such training starts on November 20 in Dimitrovgrad. The theoretical classes of the course “Methods for applying liquid screeds on underfloor heating” will be held in the conference room of the local Estilo hotel, and the acquisition of practical skills will be at a real construction site in the city. The training will last until November 22.
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